Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! It's still Easter you know. It's may 6th and it's still Easter. The weather here in Washington, even feels like it's still Easter. It's unseasonably cold this Spring. It's Easter until the Pentecost on May 23 when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles. For me, Easter this year has been about the Alleluia. It's been all about the Alleluia. Don't ask me why right now, but it's been all about the Alleluia.

I was at church today for a meeting and went into the church to measure the statue of Mary's head for the May Crowning. I blessed myself on the way in and on the way out. The Baptismal font is in the center of the church and I have noticed that upon entering and exiting I NEED to bless myself. There are other doors to which one can enter or exit but there is no Holy Water there (I'll need to bring that up to the Liturgy Team I'm on)and I feel incomplete if I don't bless myself with the Holy Water. It could be habit but to me it's more than that.

Well today and other days I've noticed that I would bless myself and then after a little while I would inadvertently look down at my chest and there will be big spots that at first look like grease and then, yes, I remember, I just blessed myself and it's Holy Water. I have done this quite a few times lately, the noticing of that anyway. It kind of amuses me because, I must be so immersed in the moment of blessing myself that I forget to look immediately whether I've sprinkled myself with the water. Something to ponder.