Saturday, July 11, 2015

Running Through the Halls

I have been thinking about this lately, especially as I tweak the blog.  In my profile description it states that I am walking sometimes running on the road of life.

I don't know why, but when I am at church sometimes, either when I was working or when I volunteer, sometimes I run to my destination.  Often times, I am "caught" running through the halls.  

I suppose it makes me feel more energetic when I do this.  It's not a full-blown, drag-out run at full speed type run.  It's more of a light-hearted, tippy toe run.  I suppose I can get more done, faster.  Perhaps.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Spending a Small Fortune on Carpet Cleaning

You know the drill.  Get all your junk off the floor, vacuum up the dust balls, the stray Skittles and M&M’s along with the stuff-stuffed-into-boxes-so-you-can-deal-with-it-later frenzy so that you are ready when the carpet cleaner arrives.

Over the years I have cleaned my carpet in various ways.  I have cleaned it myself with a rented machine and used various carpet cleaner outlets.  Recently, I have used Linton’s Carpet Cleaners.  Linton and his wife Neela take pride in their work.  They charge a pretty penny for it, but you know what you are going to get.  Super clean carpets.

Linton will tell you that he will not haggle with the price.  He is very up-front about that.  Still, you try to weasel an area rug here and carpet mat there into the overall price.  Today, I think he was trying to make me happy.

The best part of getting carpets cleaned is the time right after, when, if you are fortunate to have a hot, dry day so that the carpets dry faster, you can spend a little time amidst your boxed clutter to admire how good each room looks unfilled and contemplate what stuff you might be able to get rid of.  You can’t move about your house freely, so you either lock up and go out or you sit with the drying carpets thinking about what else you would like to clean or update.  Really what you think about, is what items can be given away so that the next time the carpets are cleaned, the stuff won’t have to be moved.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

My Last Day

I had a really nice send off from my crew at work.  I think, mostly, it was really good to get together outside of an office setting.

I am so glad it was a long drawn out process of losing my job.  It allowed me the luxury of living in denial for awhile and then finally coming to terms with it and then acceptance.  I guess that is the same for any "death."  We live little deaths each day.

Maybe, in the end, after I come to full acceptance, it will seem like a gift was given to me, especially since it is summer and the living is free and easy. It's only been a few hours--I really haven't unwrapped it yet.

I will try to make the most of it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It's Only Been 5 Years-Why Have a Blog?

Wow, a lot has happened in five years that I am not even going to begin to summarize. The short synopsis is I began working for my church, thoroughly loved it, a reorganization is taking place and my last day is tomorrow. I had a really hard time yesterday.

 I've been ramping up my resume, created a Linkedin file and have been contemplating what I want to do next. As I was researching how to do something on Linkedin, I noticed a webpage that talked about blogging and how it is not as popular as it once was. I then remembered that I started one (a blog) only a mere five years ago. I hopped on it and was pleasantly surprised and I really did amuse myself all over again.

 But now, the braces are off, my hair is longer and more gray, I've obtained a few more inches around the waistline which I am going to work on in the interim between jobs and the kids are older and out of the house except for the youngest. The one thing that stayed the same is that I still have only one follower. I'll have to work on that. I might pick it up again because I find writing cathartic. Even if it is just rambling. Of course, that wouldn't be my objective with a blog.

 I am still making those connections in my life. Right now, I am trying to figure out why is God asking me to change and, of course, what is His will for my life. I feel lost right now. Nothing that a good, deep house cleaning wouldn't solve I suppose. Five years has flown by just like that.