Wednesday, July 1, 2015

It's Only Been 5 Years-Why Have a Blog?

Wow, a lot has happened in five years that I am not even going to begin to summarize. The short synopsis is I began working for my church, thoroughly loved it, a reorganization is taking place and my last day is tomorrow. I had a really hard time yesterday.

 I've been ramping up my resume, created a Linkedin file and have been contemplating what I want to do next. As I was researching how to do something on Linkedin, I noticed a webpage that talked about blogging and how it is not as popular as it once was. I then remembered that I started one (a blog) only a mere five years ago. I hopped on it and was pleasantly surprised and I really did amuse myself all over again.

 But now, the braces are off, my hair is longer and more gray, I've obtained a few more inches around the waistline which I am going to work on in the interim between jobs and the kids are older and out of the house except for the youngest. The one thing that stayed the same is that I still have only one follower. I'll have to work on that. I might pick it up again because I find writing cathartic. Even if it is just rambling. Of course, that wouldn't be my objective with a blog.

 I am still making those connections in my life. Right now, I am trying to figure out why is God asking me to change and, of course, what is His will for my life. I feel lost right now. Nothing that a good, deep house cleaning wouldn't solve I suppose. Five years has flown by just like that.

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