Sunday, November 15, 2009

Braces for the Aged

I'm 47 years old and I just received a brand new, shiny set of metal orthodontic braces. I've been thinking about getting braces for a while and now my smile resembles Jaws in an old James Bond movie. I know they have the clear brackets, but they suggested metal as I drink coffee and glass ones are bulkier. I guess 18 months is not a lifetime.

I read the readings for November 10th and the first reading which was from the Book of Wisdom has a line...Chastised a little, they shall be greatly blessed, because God tried them and found them worthy of himself. as gold in the furnace, he proved them...thus the name of this blog. I just can't believe the reading fell in line within a week of me creating the name for this blog. Coincidence some say, but not for me. This happens to me all the time.

Sometimes life can be restraining, just like these braces on my teeth, but eventually the braces will shape a "new smile" for me just like life reshapes us into what God has willed for us. Just like the braces, sometimes it isn't pretty, and it can be painful but God is perfect and we hope in the end product, our final destination, an eternity with Him or in the case of braces, a picture perfect smile.

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