Monday, November 16, 2009

Piano Concert

I went to a piano concert yesterday at my church. It was the third year that I've gone to see Michael Allen Harrison play there. His music reminds me of George Winston and he plays variations on existing tunes and composes his own music as well. He is very talented and is very personable. I really like listening to the variations he makes on the music. This year he played along with his violinist son and they both played well together and I'll have to get one of their CD's when they come out this winter.

The listening crowd was older, as it was a fundraiser for the local Catholic high school. My husband and I were sitting near the back of the church so we couldn't see him that well but it was nice to listen to the music and hold my eyes up at the image of the crucifix. The Blessed Sacrament had been removed and the Tabernacle was left open. Most of the time I remained very still, without fidgeting. I'm really good at that. Fidgeting is a distraction. When I remain as still as a stone, I can focus more. However, when a jazzy tune was played, I subtly just had to move. I can't help that music does that to me. Other people expressed themselves with movement somewhat but I noticed the majority did not.

That being said, I read a small commentary relating to Sunday's readings in my Magnificat yesterday that spoke of when Jesus comes again it will not be the end of the world but merely the end of the world as we know it. God will make all things new. Lately, I'll take things that I read or even hear about and pick a song to listen to that relates to it. I have a wide taste in music so this commentary reminded me of the song by R.E.M. It's the End of the World as We Know It. I pulled it up on utube and went to town. I have not danced like that in ages. It's very fast and kind of a headbanger type song but it felt so good to MOVE, especially after sitting so still yesterday.

I have been asking my husband and friends to go dancing lately. We went recently but I felt the music was too slow. I must be having a midlife something with the music and braces and all.

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