Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Frequent the Bar

You know I was looking at old, pictures that really should be placed in albums to view them properly. I love photos but I haven't done a good job of organizing them for ultimate viewing pleasure. It just so happens, that when my son told me he needed pictures for a class assignment by tomorrow, I had to go digging. I unearthed some photos that I haven't viewed in a long time.

It seemed like a different life back then. Babies and toddlers and smiles and trips taken and just the everyday stuff of life.

So that got me thinking that I should add more pictures to my blog, but I haven't taken the time to learn how. I was also thinking about adding links and was looking up some links that I've saved on the family Mac computer. I love the title for the stored links. It's the Bookmarks Bar in place of Favorites in Windows. I get a real kick out of it every time I open it because, that's about as exciting as my life has been lately.

I often frequent the bar. Get it!

In all seriousness. At this stage in life, I think we're not looking so much behind us as we are looking ahead whether we care to admit it or not.

The question was posed to me in my Sacramental Preparation class of middle schoolers, what came before God or how did God come into being. Isn't that the million dollar question. I responded, it's a mystery. I did say, however, the reason we are here on earth is to know, love and serve God. If you really think about it, minus all the external stuff, why are we here on this earth. What is our ultimate purpose. We have to be connected to God.

Have you ever wondered if there is a wrinkle in time, akin to the famous book by Madame L'Engle.

From pictures to bars to the creation of time. I'm all over the board tonight. This is the way I usually write in my journal. I'll try to be a bit more focused next time.

1 comment:

MamaBus said...

I like your posts, are you checking out my blog? you mentioned pictures and links, i can show you an easy way to post your picks etc. check it out and comment. Have a good Friday!