Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm Not in the Mood for Writing

I'm not in the mood for writing, but I thought I would put pen to paper again. I revised my resume and brought it somewhat up-to-date. I'm not sure of all the places I might apply, but at least it will be handy. I want to get a part time job to supplement me while I'm learning the insurance job. Maybe I'm just dreaming, but when the pressure is on the cooks get out of the kitchen, or something like that.

Lent is already half through and I don't feel that sense of desert. I gave up listening to music, which is kind of refreshing and I gave up drinking alcohol, mainly wine, because I wanted to see if it had an effect on me. I do crave it from time to time and I just read in the paper today that moderate drinking of alcoholic beverages may keep weight off. I bet you it gives you more wrinkles though. You just can't win.

I went to a faith class today with the theme of prayer. Prayer seems to come to me so naturally now, and it's nice to know that there are many different forms. It was interesting to remember how we prayed as children and how we pray as adults now. I mainly ask God to accept me as I am, because, lately I'm having a hard time accepting myself so I've decided to let God do the work. I'm trying to relinquish control, so why not do that with prayer from time to time.

I think this Lent, I've decided that I'm in limbo. Maybe that constitutes desert. Sometimes I don't really feel like I'm fully living but I'm not dead yet either. Maybe it's because I've decided to go a year, a whole year!, without buying clothes except for the occasional pair of socks. I wonder if I'll extend it to shoes and purses also. Spring, summer and fall are the hardest time not to buy clothes. I'll just have to stay out of the stores. I think I will still buy makeup, though. I have to have a little pick-me-up. My closet is full and I don't really need clothes-- I just love them, that's the problem. I'm doing partly to save money and pay off some debt and partly to see if I can do it. I'm not one for making goals all the time and this is not tied to any New Year's resolution. It just came to me one day.

Well, for not wanting to write, I think I did a pretty good job. I should write more often but my follower base is sparce so I'm not as compelled to do it.

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