Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Lent Now

Remember man you are dust and unto dust you shall return. It is lent now. I think I've decided that this is one of my favorite church seasons. I think it's because I'm so introspective and I'm all about introspection. In fact, I can't get enough of it. I'm always drawing into myself, into my little universe which actually happens to be quite large, especially on certain days.

Don't get me wrong, I do move about in the world, but the inner galaxy is always there. It actually fits into my heart. Some days, I feel like my heart is so deep and so vast and so wide that no one could understand it, except God. He is there with me and I like to think that I am projecting His presence to the world.

When I was growing up, this was always such an awkward time of year and I think that part of the reason is because of the growing length of days. It wasn't quite light yet but it wasn't dark either. During Lent, we would say the rosary as a family every Friday evening, six kids and parents, kneeling, wrapped around their bed. There were complaints, but it is something that I will always remember, something that I still try to carry on with my children.

I learned recently that Lent means to lean, to lean toward the light. Just like the opening blossoms seeking out the sun's warmth. Our bodies feel it too--still, not quite light but not dark either. Perhaps, it's gray. Opening our hearts to the Son's coming Resurrection.

Blossoms open the early spring.

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