Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I Am Guilty

Hold up your hand if you've ever texted someone that resides in the same household as you do while they were home.  You know who you are.  I've done it.  I attribute it to being kind of like a speaker system that some homes were equipped with in the late 70's.

Since getting back into the swing of social networking, I've been having a ball.  Mainly, I find it a great avenue for expressing myself through the photographs that I've taken.  I have so many photos. Some are of family and others are my creative shots, because deep down I think I am some professional photographer.  Sometimes, I like to "say" something with my pictures.  I suppose nowadays, everyone is a professional photographer with camera phones.

I love modern technology as much as I hate it (when I can't figure out how to do something that I want it to do) and like it or not, texting has become a way of life.  I do worry how auto correct and word abbreviations will effect our future generations as well as the current generations.

See u ltr

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