Sunday, October 4, 2015

Down and Out

It seemed like the most horrible weekend.  I came down with a cold, mainly coughing and sneezing.  On Saturday, I spent most of the beautiful autumn day in bed.  I was not happy about that.  I put my robe on and decided to sit on the front porch to drink my lemon tea with honey and soak up some mid-morning rays of sunshine.  I placed my cup on the side table and noticed that there was a small, hairy spider doing the same thing-sunning himself.  I retrieved my black flat and proceeded to try and smack it.  It darted underneath the table.  I didn't have the energy to try and get him.  I threw my shoe back in the house.  After a little while I moved to another chair on the porch.  After a little while the spider came back out in the same spot-as if to mock me.  I actually found it entertaining.  You win today, spider.  I am going back to bed.

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