Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Cloud Shroud

In the past few days after a series of sunny days here in the Northwest, the snow-covered hills and mountains could be seen for miles.  In fact, I don't recall seeing so distinctly the nearby hills, that it really surprised me that they were actually that high.  I have lived in the same area for 26 years.

However, today, as I turned the corner on the way to work, it was back to the same-ol, same-ol.  The clouds shrouded the hills back to their old stunted looking selves.  For me, familiarity breeds comfort and seeing them the way that I am used to seeing them surprised me at first, since it's been so darn clear out after enduring a particularly dismal winter, but then I realized that God was humoring me.  I had to laugh.

As I turned the corner this morning, the hillside view was again shrouded in clouds, just as life often is shrouded in mystery.  Quickly, it was back to reality with the routinely, cloudy, Northwest weather. It was refreshing to have a glimpse of what view is possible, a way at looking at life differently.

As a side note, the hills are not completely visible in the summer either as the hazy smog does a good job covering them up.

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