Thursday, March 7, 2019

Giving up TV for Lent

I haven't posted on this blog since 2015.  I have started another blog on Wordpress and debated on whether to import this blog into one of the other Wordpress blogs that I am thinking about starting.  I still may, but I may also leave this as is because, to me, it almost has the nature of a journal.  The other blogs are more "promotional" in nature.

I am into the second day of Lent and have been OK since deciding to give up TV for 40 days.  I got to thinking, what constitutes TV?  Is streaming video  on your computer or smartphone TV?  Well, yes, because the way we view TV is changing.  We don't all hang out and watch one TV program anymore.  We are all on our individual devices watching individual programs or flipping through Facebook checking to see what vies for our attention.

Now, I am not giving up all video, as I am going to make a concerted effort to get some additional training that is offered on my computer and some of it includes video.  What I am giving up is my usual nightly routine of watching the local network news and then the national network news and any other programs that I like to watch and any other mindless TV that I flip around watching.  The one thing that I will miss, is sitting down with my husband to watch whatever he is watching.  Generally, I don't always care for the same programming that he likes to watch but I like to have that sense of watching something together and spending time together.  I like spending time together with him and watching TV is a good way to unwind.

As I've gotten older, I tend not to like as much noise and the commercials always seem to be louder than I like so I mute them.  Sometimes I use the DVR to bypass them altogether.

Of course, I can always do something computer related like I am right now, but I plan to be more productive, like getting rid of clutter, cleaning, etc.  I just have to wait for the sun to come out so that I can see the dust.

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