Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! It's still Easter you know. It's may 6th and it's still Easter. The weather here in Washington, even feels like it's still Easter. It's unseasonably cold this Spring. It's Easter until the Pentecost on May 23 when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles. For me, Easter this year has been about the Alleluia. It's been all about the Alleluia. Don't ask me why right now, but it's been all about the Alleluia.

I was at church today for a meeting and went into the church to measure the statue of Mary's head for the May Crowning. I blessed myself on the way in and on the way out. The Baptismal font is in the center of the church and I have noticed that upon entering and exiting I NEED to bless myself. There are other doors to which one can enter or exit but there is no Holy Water there (I'll need to bring that up to the Liturgy Team I'm on)and I feel incomplete if I don't bless myself with the Holy Water. It could be habit but to me it's more than that.

Well today and other days I've noticed that I would bless myself and then after a little while I would inadvertently look down at my chest and there will be big spots that at first look like grease and then, yes, I remember, I just blessed myself and it's Holy Water. I have done this quite a few times lately, the noticing of that anyway. It kind of amuses me because, I must be so immersed in the moment of blessing myself that I forget to look immediately whether I've sprinkled myself with the water. Something to ponder.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Shakespeare to Ponder

I found my son's page of homework and was entranced.

Shakespeare Sonnet No. 94

They that have power to hurt and will do none,
That do not do the thing they most do show,
Who, moving others, are themselves as stone,
Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow--
They rightly do inherit Heaven's graces,
And husband Nature's riches from expense;
They are the lords and owners of their faces,
Others but stewards of their excellence.
The summer flow'r is to the summer sweet,
Though to itself only live and die,
But if that flower with base infection meet,
The basest weed outbraves his dignity.
For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds:
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.

It reminds me somewhat of the writings of St. Paul who wrote in Romans 7:15 What I do, I do not understand. For I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate...
I want the Easter lilies to last as long as possible. The life of flowers is fleeting. I guess you could say that about life sometimes. I'm feeling like the bloom has left the peach lately. The department store lighting at the make-up counter did not do my face any justice last week. I could see all the wrinkles in detail, which was magnified by the horrible department store lighting. I need to face this aging thing. There is no other alternative on earth.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Frequent the Bar

You know I was looking at old, pictures that really should be placed in albums to view them properly. I love photos but I haven't done a good job of organizing them for ultimate viewing pleasure. It just so happens, that when my son told me he needed pictures for a class assignment by tomorrow, I had to go digging. I unearthed some photos that I haven't viewed in a long time.

It seemed like a different life back then. Babies and toddlers and smiles and trips taken and just the everyday stuff of life.

So that got me thinking that I should add more pictures to my blog, but I haven't taken the time to learn how. I was also thinking about adding links and was looking up some links that I've saved on the family Mac computer. I love the title for the stored links. It's the Bookmarks Bar in place of Favorites in Windows. I get a real kick out of it every time I open it because, that's about as exciting as my life has been lately.

I often frequent the bar. Get it!

In all seriousness. At this stage in life, I think we're not looking so much behind us as we are looking ahead whether we care to admit it or not.

The question was posed to me in my Sacramental Preparation class of middle schoolers, what came before God or how did God come into being. Isn't that the million dollar question. I responded, it's a mystery. I did say, however, the reason we are here on earth is to know, love and serve God. If you really think about it, minus all the external stuff, why are we here on this earth. What is our ultimate purpose. We have to be connected to God.

Have you ever wondered if there is a wrinkle in time, akin to the famous book by Madame L'Engle.

From pictures to bars to the creation of time. I'm all over the board tonight. This is the way I usually write in my journal. I'll try to be a bit more focused next time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm Not in the Mood for Writing

I'm not in the mood for writing, but I thought I would put pen to paper again. I revised my resume and brought it somewhat up-to-date. I'm not sure of all the places I might apply, but at least it will be handy. I want to get a part time job to supplement me while I'm learning the insurance job. Maybe I'm just dreaming, but when the pressure is on the cooks get out of the kitchen, or something like that.

Lent is already half through and I don't feel that sense of desert. I gave up listening to music, which is kind of refreshing and I gave up drinking alcohol, mainly wine, because I wanted to see if it had an effect on me. I do crave it from time to time and I just read in the paper today that moderate drinking of alcoholic beverages may keep weight off. I bet you it gives you more wrinkles though. You just can't win.

I went to a faith class today with the theme of prayer. Prayer seems to come to me so naturally now, and it's nice to know that there are many different forms. It was interesting to remember how we prayed as children and how we pray as adults now. I mainly ask God to accept me as I am, because, lately I'm having a hard time accepting myself so I've decided to let God do the work. I'm trying to relinquish control, so why not do that with prayer from time to time.

I think this Lent, I've decided that I'm in limbo. Maybe that constitutes desert. Sometimes I don't really feel like I'm fully living but I'm not dead yet either. Maybe it's because I've decided to go a year, a whole year!, without buying clothes except for the occasional pair of socks. I wonder if I'll extend it to shoes and purses also. Spring, summer and fall are the hardest time not to buy clothes. I'll just have to stay out of the stores. I think I will still buy makeup, though. I have to have a little pick-me-up. My closet is full and I don't really need clothes-- I just love them, that's the problem. I'm doing partly to save money and pay off some debt and partly to see if I can do it. I'm not one for making goals all the time and this is not tied to any New Year's resolution. It just came to me one day.

Well, for not wanting to write, I think I did a pretty good job. I should write more often but my follower base is sparce so I'm not as compelled to do it.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Lent Now

Remember man you are dust and unto dust you shall return. It is lent now. I think I've decided that this is one of my favorite church seasons. I think it's because I'm so introspective and I'm all about introspection. In fact, I can't get enough of it. I'm always drawing into myself, into my little universe which actually happens to be quite large, especially on certain days.

Don't get me wrong, I do move about in the world, but the inner galaxy is always there. It actually fits into my heart. Some days, I feel like my heart is so deep and so vast and so wide that no one could understand it, except God. He is there with me and I like to think that I am projecting His presence to the world.

When I was growing up, this was always such an awkward time of year and I think that part of the reason is because of the growing length of days. It wasn't quite light yet but it wasn't dark either. During Lent, we would say the rosary as a family every Friday evening, six kids and parents, kneeling, wrapped around their bed. There were complaints, but it is something that I will always remember, something that I still try to carry on with my children.

I learned recently that Lent means to lean, to lean toward the light. Just like the opening blossoms seeking out the sun's warmth. Our bodies feel it too--still, not quite light but not dark either. Perhaps, it's gray. Opening our hearts to the Son's coming Resurrection.

Blossoms open the early spring.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1000 Calorie Lunch

I know it's been a while since I've posted but I'm pretty much the only person reading my own blog.

I decided a couple of years ago that I wasn't going to make any more New Year's resolutions. I think about changes I can or need to make but I don't necessarily resolve to carry them through. It's my propensity to a frequent non-committal nature. Some people might call it lack of drive. I call it living spontaneously. About the only thing I did resolve to do was clean the inside window's of my mini-van so that I can see life passing me by more clearly and because it's really hard to see at night with an interior film on your windows.

I made no dietary changes. In fact, I ate "in" at McDonald's after not having worked out for about two weeks. I went for a quick workout today, which included the weights that allow me to do squats. I only do squats if the bar is set where I want it, otherwise I really never change it around because it's a hassle. Well, after the workout, I felt like a little ol' McDonald's cheeseburger. I decided that fries and a Coke would go nicely with it. I usually order the child-sized drinks because it's fewer calories. To top it off, I ordered an Oreo McFlurry just because it sounded good and after a workout who couldn't afford a few extra calories. (Contradictory with the previous sentence, I know.)

I was by myself and I sat at a corner booth. When I'm eating out by myself which I do frequently, I either look at other people or perhaps I have something to read. I don't try to act overly busy just to fake that I'm not feeling alone. I just live with it. It turns out that the tray paper had a McDonald's advertisement on it for their new Big Mac wrapped in a tortilla, minus the bun, of course. Yum!????! It didn't look very appetizing but upon further study of the ad I, became enthralled with the subliminal pictures. Of course there were the usual faces that I see in almost everything and then there were what looked like ahem....., body parts. You know what I mean. Well, I suppose that's the nature of the advertising beast these days. In my day and age, subliminal advertising consisted of slick magazine advertisements with skulls and the word sex or something like that placed subliminally in the photograph of the glass of wiskey and water that went undetected by the typical consumer. I'm not making this up.

In between studying the picture of the yummy tortilla burger and listening to the people two booths ahead of me speaking in a lanquage that I couldn't decipher, I noticed a plug on the sheet to turn it over to learn about the nutritional facts of McDonald's food products. Cheeseburger, 300 calories; small french fries 260 calories, small Coke 150 calorie; Oreo McFlurry 560 whoa!!!! calories. Over 1000 calories. My trip to the gym had been nullified. Oh well, it felt good to work the old muscles again. I'll need to eat less tomorrow.

You know, I'm a very curious person and I just had to ask what language the group of people next to me was speaking. They told me it was Somalian. They were from the island of Somalia. I would love to hear their story. Maybe next time. I have my eye on an ice cream cone hand-dipped in chocolate. The kind that hardens into a soft shell over the ice cream. I haven't had one of those in ages.